First Contact with The Child Within

Contacting The Child within us: We were all once children, and still have that child dwelling within us. But most of us are unaware of this.


Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: The voice of our child within arises as we learn to see more clearly, our imaginations balanced by careful observations and compassion.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
We who dream dreams, spinning stories with our imaginations. Then, we seem to get lost in those stories, both as a ourselves and individu...
The voice of our child within arises as we learn to see more clearly, our imaginations balanced by careful observations and compassion.

We who dream dreams, spinning stories with our imaginations. Then, we seem to get lost in those stories, both as a ourselves and individuals. The voice of our child within arises as we learn to see m…

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18 Apr 2015

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: The moment we get in touch our child within, we become fearless.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
The moment we get in touch our child within, we become fearless.
The moment we get in touch our child within, we become fearless.
The moment we get in touch our child within, we become fearless.

The moment we get in touch our child within, we become fearless.…

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14 Apr 2015

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: As long as we are not in contact with our child within we are not going to be happy, we are not going to be, and we are not going to have fun.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
As long as we are not in contact with our child within we are not going to be happy, we are not going to be, and we are not going to ha...
As long as we are not in contact with our child within we are not going to be happy, we are not going to be, and we are not going to have fun.
As long as we are not in contact with our child within we are not going to be happy, we are not going to be, and we are not going to have fun.

As long as we are not in contact with our child within we are not going to be happy, we are not going to be, and we are not going to have fun. The child within is the fun, child within will prevail, …

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13 Apr 2015

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Age one to two or why we find it hard to communicate with the child within
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
No words with understandable meaning were detected in our spoken vocabulary during this period. We did our share of babbling, and we were...
Age one to two or why we find it hard to communicate with the child within
Age one to two or why we find it hard to communicate with the child within

No words with understandable meaning were detected in our spoken vocabulary during this period. We did our share of babbling, and we were able to understand a number of our simple commands, but we co…

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13 Apr 2015